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Chin Augmentation New York, NY

The chin is an important facial feature when it comes to balance and shape. A chin that is smaller or receded can impact the definition of the jawline and make the upper face seem larger. Chin augmentation can change the shape and size of the chin to achieve a more aesthetic appearance for the face. Dr. Daniel Del Vecchio at Uptown Body Contouring offers beautiful results for chin augmentation at our clinic in NYC.

The face profile, jawline and upper/lower balance can all be improved by enhancing a small or receded chin. Genetics, disease and other factors can contribute to a recessed chin that can make other features like the nose and forehead seem larger. By adding protrusion and expanding the chin, the facial shape is changed for better harmony.

Dr. Del Vecchio is a board certified plastic surgeon with decades of experience and expertise in achieving facial aesthetics. He has helped patients from all over the world obtain improved facial balance with advanced plastic surgery procedures, including chin augmentation, or mentoplasty.

Chin Implant Surgery

To obtain the desired results, a chin implant is placed through an incision under the chin. Using the correct size and shape of the implant can enhance the bone contour of the chin. The implant is placed directly on the chin and jaw bone to correct an underdeveloped chin.

Chin implant surgery is often performed with other plastic surgery procedures like rhinoplasty or a facelift. Adding chin projection can create the facial balance desired, enhancing the jawline definition and helping decrease the prominence of a larger nose. The results can be beautiful and transform the overall facial appearance, creating a more attractive and youthful profile.

If you have a smaller or recessed chin that is impacting your facial shape, chin augmentation surgery may be the solution. To learn more about chin implants and whether this surgery is right for you, contact us at Uptown Body Contouring in Manhattan to book your appointment. We can schedule a private and informative consultation with Dr. Daniel Del Vecchio to discuss chin augmentation.

Before & After

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